Summer Lawn Care Tips

Lawn Care Goals for the 3 Stages of Summer

Your lawn is a living entity that has different needs during different seasons. In fact, your lawn care needs can even change several times during the same season, as is the case with the summer lawn. Your lawn care regimen should adapt for early, mid and late summer so that you can enjoy a beautiful lawn throughout the season, while also preparing it for a healthy rest over the cooler months. For assistance with all of your lawn care needs, contact your Chantilly landscaping experts at AllGreen Landscape Co.: (703) 992-8787. We can take the stress out of lawn care and ensure your grass stays healthy, lush and beautiful all year long. We will particularly schedule care for these 3 points during the summer season (as well as regular mowing):

1. Early Summer Lawn Care Tips

Warmer temperatures spur your grass to start growing and pulling nutrients from the soil. This is an important time for an early-summer fertilizer application. Fertilizing the lawn in early summer strengthens the roots, fortifies the soil and helps your grass endure the upcoming hot spells of midsummer.

You’ll also want to do a little grub and weed removal or prevention. The AllGreen Landscape Co. Team can analyze lawn issues like grubs and weeds and apply the correct treatment to prevent or eliminate them so your lawn stays healthy and fresh looking throughout the summer.

You also want to be sure not to mow your grass too short—in early summer and later on into the season. In early summer, you want to leave the blades a little bit taller, which will help the roots grow deeper where they can access more water and nutrients during hot weather. Also, if the grass is a little bit longer, it will shade the underlying soil, which can help it hold onto more moisture for longer—meaning you can conserve water.

2. Midsummer Lawn Care Tips

Here in Northern Virginia, you’ll need to arrange for a mid-summer fertilizer application too. In fact, depending on the type of grass in your yard, you’ll want to schedule fertilizer between 6 to 8 weeks through the summer.

Watering is very important during the hot summer months, of course, The soil under the grass needs to stay wet down to about 4 to 6 inches deep. If you are worried about your lawn getting the right amount of water without watering too much, contact AllGreen Landscape Co. and we can do a thorough analysis and help you set sprinklers to the right timing for deep watering without overdoing it. To allow the water to seep into the soil and not evaporate, you’ll want to be sure to have the sprinklers come on early in the morning, before the sun gets too high and hot. This will ensure your lawn gets the water it needs without having to use too much.

Some of our lawn care work...


3. Late Summer Lawn Care Tips

By this time in the summer, your lawnmower blades are probably getting a bit dull, and they’ll need some sharpening. This is a good time for lawn mower maintenance generally speaking, as you can take care of any problems and prepare to safely store it once the last fall mow is finished. The problem with dull mower blades is that they can produce a shaggy, uneven cut on the lawn that actually causes too much moisture evaporation from the blades. A clean, even cut conserves water and prevents damage.

Weeds can really get going in the later summer, so this is also an important time to keep your eye on the lawn for quick weed removal.

Call Your Year-Round Lawn Care and Landscaping Service in Chantilly

Having the best lawn in the neighborhood can be a time-consuming job, so if you’ve got plans for the summer and you don’t want to have to worry about lawn care, simply contact AllGreen Landscape Co. in Chantilly: (703) 992-8787. We will schedule all of the summer lawn care your grass needs to stay healthy and verdant, and we regularly service our mowers so you won’t have to worry about yours.

We do not consider a job complete until you are completely satisfied.

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